YA-0351 Protective Foam Spacer Stick Strip For RC Body Shell Cover Bum – BlackSmithProducts
YA-0351 Protective Foam Spacer Stick Strip For RC Body Shell Cover Bumper Black

YA-0351 Protective Foam Spacer Stick Strip For RC Body Shell Cover Bumper Black

Yeah Racing

  • £11.65 GBP
  • Save £2.34 GBP

To suit 1.10 or 1.8 scale shells. Simply sticks on one side. Use to take up the space between the shell and the bumper or the side skirts to the side shell. Provides additional protection from crashes however will not fully prevent damage. Adhesive backing means this is simple to apply. Reduces friction between the body and bumper. Works great to space out battery holders if required. 1000mm long x 15mm wide x 4mm thick.

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